...When I had acne for many years I tried many, many treatments, and these were by and large a complete waste of time and money. I tried antibiotics, accutane, dozens of cleansers and many pill formulas. None of these worked. And the people selling them were saying that food didn't make a difference (or hardly any difference) to acne......»
Read More: best-acne-remedies.blogspot.com
«...One simple acne treatment is gentle soap and water. There are face soaps that are extremely gentle on the face, but can still help you manage your acne. When washing your face, you want to make sure that you gently wash it and do not use any type of harsh abrasive. Scrubbing your face can actually make the acne worse....»
Full Text: best-acne-remedies.blogspot.com
tags: brunhouse acne treatment gel reviews, using head and shoulders shampoo for acne, homemade face masks to help acne