Can oat meal get rid of acne

« ...Many adults suffer from acne at later stages or during the middle age of their lives. The occurrence of acne may be very common in teenage but we cannot rule out the possibility of acne occurrence in adulthood....
...Tea is wonderful beverage but also good for treating pimple. A few teabags steeped with two teaspoons of basil is an excellent way to rid yourself of pimples. After the mixture cools, apply it with cotton balls to the affected areas and let dry. Store the remainder in the refrigerator for future use. Using this treatment a few times a day will quickly rid your face of pimples. ...»
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«...Of course a daily cleanser will still need to be used in addition to applying benzyl peroxide. You may also be given prescription antibiotic gels, creams or lotions. In severe cases a prescription oral antibiotic maybe used. Pimples or acne should never be drained or popped unless by a health care professional. Large pimples may need to be drained by a health care professional to help prevent scarring and to clear up the infection. ...»
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tags: how to get rid of acne, how to remove marks left from acne, stopping retin-a cause a outbreak of acne